Best PC & Mac Computer Laptop Repair Service In Orlando CodeBlackIT

Aero Shake

There are so many “fun” things to do in Windows and Ill bet this is one you didn’t know about, Aero Shake.

Users can organize open Windows easily and quickly. Aero Shake simply allows users to minimize all open windows fast. Take the window you want to keep and drag and shake it back and forth. You will see after a few seconds, all the other windows minimize except the one you are shaking.

You can enable and disable this feature in the Multitasking section of the Systems tab under Settings. You can turn it on or off by moving the toggle left or right.

CodeBlackIT located in Orlando Florida is your Computer Repair experts. We specialize in Laptop Repair, Apple or PC Repairs and Networking IT Services. Call us today for any computer repair needs you have.

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